Data Protection


Your privacy is important to us. We want to be open about our data practices and give you control over the personally identifiable information collects about you. This is the privacy policy of and its wholly owned subsidiaries.

What data do we collect?

Data users provide us with:

The Site receives and stores information that users provide when visiting our site and using our services. When you create an account, we may collect your personal information.

You can choose to automatically receive information about your location or IP address when you visit the website and use our service. This website uses various techniques to determine your data, such as: services for your system or browser operation and sensor data from your device.

The Site may collect additional information about you when you use the Site:

Information about search terms, pages viewed, time of visit, time spent on each page, IP address and pages referred. Information about your device, such as hardware model, operating system, unique identifier, browser type, language and wireless network.

This is collected using cookies and other technologies such as cookies, advertising tools, local storage and pixels. Users can control certain types of cookies through browser settings or other tools. For more information, please read our Cookie Policy.

Information received from third parties

Your information may be provided by third parties, including corporate clients and our partners and various other parties linked to ISP websites, such as websites and applications offered by third-party developers and our APIs, ad exchanges, advertising platforms , advertising networks, etc. This information may include data about your activity when you use these sites or data received from browsers or operating systems, such as advertising beacons and information about cookies or similar technologies.

How is your data used?

The Site may access your information to facilitate site mapping. For example, we can access device signals to detect that a specific device is in a specific location. In addition, we may use this data for:

Communication with you

Our site may access your information to communicate with you, including via email, text messages (only if you choose) about new product offers, customer service updates, etc.

Protecting our rights

We may use your information to protect the rights, property or security of our website, consumer services, visitors and employees or third parties.

Pursuing commercial purposes

Our website may use your data in our services, which we may secure for businesses. For example, if partners access our SDKs, the site may receive special partner end-user data, including data of our users if partner end-users visit our site. The Site may access this information for business purposes or to develop enterprise services. You can opt out of this type of sharing at any time by disabling cookies in your browser settings. Your information may also be presented as part of a transaction, merger, consolidation, investment, change of control, transfer of assets, reorganization, liquidation or similar business activity or event.

When do we share data?

This site does not rent or sell user information without your consent, unless it is anonymized and aggregated. As further described in this Privacy Policy, we may license or otherwise securely share certain information with third parties upon your consent.

If a site partners with a company, we may share data with that company, but only in the aggregate or, in some cases, we share a non-identifying identifier, such as a promotion ID or hash ID ("pseudonymized"). When data is shared anonymously on the site, a unique identifier is shared so that our partner can measure conversions when a person saw their ad, visited their website, or a user's presence on the site. The Site may also share anonymous data with other third party parties, including developers who use our API or our other enterprise customers for analytical or other purposes.

In addition to the terms of this Privacy Policy, we will only disclose your personal information with your consent. For example:

We sometimes work with partners to offer competitions and promotions on the site. We can compete e.g. brand to win a prize. If you enter a competition, with your consent we may share your email address with this trademark. In such cases, we will only share the information requested by our affiliate.

Other times, the site will release information about you when we believe, to the best of our knowledge and belief, that the posting complies with any law or legal process designed to protect our rights, property, or safety, our employees, customer service and others is of the utmost importance.


We use industry standard physical, technical and logical security measures to store information about you. We work to protect your information to ensure its security.


People under 18 years of age are not permitted to use or access our website. We do not knowingly collect information from children under 18 years of age. If you are the parent of this minor and believe your information has been collected, please contact us immediately at

Changes to this Privacy Policy? may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We encourage you to visit this page regularly to review any changes we make to this Privacy Policy. If we make changes to the way we access your information, we will notify you by posting a notice on our website. To the extent permitted by law, users are bound by certain modifications made to this privacy policy when they access our website and use our services.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please send a detailed message to:

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